(this "works")
So, this is what I've done (this won't "work" because it's on my no-script-having webspace: this is all about looks);
Search page:
Result page:
(I've also made another with another gradient background for the "go back / logout" bar:
Frankly I don't like it as much, but if you-all do, we can use it)
I won't move on to tweaking the results page template (which has a bunch of blue-colored text and images I'll need to change also; do a search in the working OPAC and you'll see what I mean) if the main design is all right with you-all.
Here's a detailed explaination of what I've done (good gravy this is long; try downloading this text file):
0) All test pages and their CSS have been modified for design testing, including changing image URLs. They are not meant to be final products as-is. To see what has been changed if this guide does not suffice, here is the URL to the CSS:
In the file "elibrary.css" :
The bottom border of the containter called ".header_container" should be changed FROM #2D4C85 TO #870101
The background color of ".header_container" should be changed FROM #ffffff TO #870101
In ".buttons_container" the background color should be changed FROM #a7ef8e TO #a39058 and this line should be added to create a new background image ("buttons_container-ulm.jpg"):
(If the background image is unacceptable, just using the container background color works also)
The link color (around line 17) should be #660000
All instances of the color "#3662E0" should be changed TO "660000"
All instances of the color "#2860d0" should be changed TO "#cfad46"
All instances of the color "#0465A3" should be changed TO "#a39058"
In "input.button," the text color should be changed FROM #ffffff TO #000000 to be read clearly with the new color version of the search buttom ("buttom-ulm.jpg"). Its border should also be changed FROM 0465a3 TO #8C8C8C
Simiarly, #ffffff should be changed TO #000000 in all other buttons using the new button color. These are:
.hold_button, .buynow_button, .reqorder_button
g)This line should be added to the top of the CSS file. It will make the background color the same as our home page:
body { background-color: #ececdb; }
In "input:focus" (line 42), the border color should be changed FROM #8ef084 TO #FEA3A3 and the background color should be changed FROM #eaffe8 TO #FFE8E8
i) In ".branding_container" (about line 117) add this line to make a little bit more room in the container:
margin-top: 0px;
In the html of the PHP form page (or whatever you're using) that is displayed:
a) for the text "training system," or anything else that is supposed to be light gold, the color "#cfad46" must be used, or the code won't work at all (also, this is official ULM gold)
b) Added "The" to our institution's name and a carriage return so that the name fits on one line. The markup is:
e-Library at
The University of Louisiana at Monroe
(Blogger will likely not display markup. Try downloading this text file)
Also changed e-Library's "at" to "@". This can be changed back to "at" if it is not appropriate.
3) Some images have been changed and given new names to indicate that they are different:
header_container.jpg --> header_container-ulm.jpg
searchsum.jpg --> searchsum-ulm.jpg
ulm.gif --> ulm.gif (Branding image. New file, same name for this one)
button.jpg --> button-ulm.jpg
buttons_container-ulm.jpg --> (a new creation)
The URLs in the files in which they appear will need to point to them wherever they are, obviously.
sirsidynix.css was not changed
5 [Trivial])
I noticed an empty image URL in ".branding_container" (in elibrary.css) for a brand image, which is instead currently in the html reading the CSS instead. It is possible to add the ULM logo ("ulm.gif") as a non-repeating background image in one of the header containers. However, I am in no position to change something like that. It may display differently in different browsers. Such a change is likely not necessary.
Karen Niemla
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