Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Copy: Subject Librarians Page

Ever wonder who you would talk to about making purchase suggestions for your department or major? Need a librarian to teach your class about using the library, or you want to direct your students to the appropriate librarian for your discipline? Not sure who you should consult for research help pertaining to a specific discipline? Then you’ve reached the right page! This is the subject librarians page – it outlines what services the reference librarians can provide and which departments/disciplines for which they are liaisons.

Subject liaisons can…

  • Receive and process recommendations for purchases - books, periodicals, or electronic resources (such as databases)
  • Conduct tours of the library for classes
  • Conduct bibliographic instruction (sometimes called “library sessions”) for classes. These classes can be tailored to specific assignments or classes, or can be overviews of the Library’s resources
  • Help develop research assignments
  • Assist with and collaborate on research

Every department on campus has a subject librarian – check the list below to see who your librarian is!

  • Dinah Williams: Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Leadership & Counseling, Kinesiology, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Psychology

    Email: dhwilliams@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318-342-1069
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~dhwilliams/

  • Carita Alexander: Health Sciences, Communicative Disorders, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Radiologic Technology and Toxicology

    Email: calexander@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318-342-3042
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~calexander/

  • Karen Cook: Criminal Justice, History and Political Science

    Email: kcook@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318-342-3043
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~kcook/

  • Megan Lowe: Art, Communication Studies, Dance, English, Music and Theatre

    Email: lowe@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318.342-3041
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~lowe/

  • Karen Niemla: Business, Accounting, Computer & Information Systems, Computer Science, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, Insurance, Management, Gerontology, Sociology and Social Work

    Email: Niemla@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318-342-3045
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~niemla/

  • Maren Williams: Agriculture, Atmospheric Sciences, Aviation, Biology, Chemistry, Construction, Family & Consumer Sciences, Foreign Languages, Geosciences, Mathematics and Physics

    Email: mawilliams@ulm.edu
    Phone: 318-342-1065
    URL: http://ulm.edu/~mawilliams/

Please feel free to contact us! We're here to help!

Edit, 5:33pm: I have removed Agribusiness and added 're. Thanks for catching that, Maren! We English types have to stick together. ;D


Maren said...

As far as Karen and I can tell, Agribusiness and Agriculture are basically interchangeable at ULM, so we can remove Agribusiness from Karen's list and just leave Agriculture on mine.

Also, in the last sentence: we're here to help. ;)

Megan Lowe said...

Thanks, Maren - I will change that promptly! I can't claim any energy drink "tizzy" this time. Just plain dorkiness. :P