Thursday, December 6, 2012

OmniUpdate, hours, meeting, etc.

  •  During the Thanksgiving break, the hours were changed for the holiday and then back to normal. The Fall Schedule has been changed also to show that we will be closed and not open on Friday the 21st after all.
  • The outlook for the library's STAP grant proposal to upgrade EZproxy is looking good, but it's not over yet. Grants will not be decided upon until Dec. 7th.
  • If we get the grant, it will be possible to use EBSCO Discovery Service more often because then it'll work off campus. How we decide to integrate it into the site will change how the site is used.
  • OmniUpdate is getting closer, and has been deployed on the home page and other pages like Residential Life. Because the library's website is more complicated that others, it and other like it haven't been changed over yet, and I haven't been given an OmniUpdate account yet. I have been thinking about how the library website will be set up, including making a few demo pages based on the new site template.
  • Unless there any any objections, a ULMLWPC meeting will be held on Mon., Jan. 14 at 10 am to discuss the upcoming re-design. Location TBA.

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