At 11am today KN was in a conference call about EZproxy with an OCLC rep., JG and LS from LOUIS, and CE. It was almost 40 min.
OCLC and LOUIS talked for a long time about getting the files that make
LOUIS and ULM's proxy work together. We will be able to start testing the
server this week, and KN has been given a test server to look at. KN will need to get in contact with JG and do the testing with him because he has to change something on the
LOUIS server to test the new OCLC one.
Once all the testing is
done and we're ready to move everything over to the new server, KN will
need to change the URL prefix on the library web pages, and CH will
need to change those in EBSCO AtoZ as well.
All vendors must be informed of the new external IP Address for the new OCLC EZproxy server. LS from LOUIS says she will inform the vendors LOUIS deals with. KN has informed the non-LOUIS vendors which use EZproxy (there are a few that use other authentication) about the changes, including EBSCO.
KN was at the 2013 COSUGI conference, thanks to LOUIS. Some LOUIS personnel and other LA librarians were also there (including KC, who used to be in the ULMLWPC).
The big news about SirsiDynix is that they have come out with a new "BlueCloud" catalog, to be available this summer, they say. There was very little talk about e-Library at the conference, because it is no longer SirsiDynix's true focus, even though they continue to support it. This explains why e-Library has been so clunky over the recent years.
This means that along with the new website we're making, we and other LA libraries need to accept that it's the end of the road for e-Library, and a new catalog solution must be chosen, whether that's EDS, BlueCloud, Enterprise, or whatever. SirsiDynix says BlueCloud is "free" with "your maintenance," but it's unclear even to LOUIS what "free" really means.
Part of this decision will be made by LALINC and LOUIS. But a decision must be made. We cannot use e-Library forever.
Added CR's New Special Collections newsletter, Fall '12 & Spring '13, to the archives page, and announced it on our news blog and home page.
Thanks to MW and CH, some old names and URLs to EBSCO component databases were updated last week. Most of those are the HW Wilson titles that got bought and
absorbed by EBSCO. They now have their own direct links and have been added to the DB lists, ART subject page, and HISTORY page.
New links:
Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Art Index Retrospective: 1929-1984 (H.W. Wilson)
World History Collection
Same DBs, new names:
French Business Source® Vente et Gestion is now just Vente et Gestion
Environmental Issues & Policy Index™ is now just Environmental Issues
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