Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hours, new home page demo...

The Thanksgiving hours have been returned to normal.

Also, I'm thinking of adding icons for the blog and facebook page. This is what I have in mind:

I won't proceed without approval, of course.

MW has said that she connect the Blog's RSS feed to the Facebook page, so blog stories appear on the Facebook, but they are not the same thing, so still think it's necessary to link both and not Facebook alone.

I have since added small icons to the home page for the blog, Facebook, and YouTube accounts, with DS's approval.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

changes, DB pages, Facebook, Credo

This week, I have...
  • added Thanksgiving hours
  • suggested new changes to the catalog (to open LOUIS footprints request):
    · Replace NetLibrary with EBSCO eBooks direct link http://ezproxy.ulm.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nlebk
    · Have the Interlibrary Loan link go to our main ILL page instead of directly to IILIAD itself (people who don't know ILL might need an explanation) http://www.ulm.edu/library/ill.html
    · Add ULM Library Facebook account to the "General Information" page, facebook.com/ULM.Library
    · Add ULM Library Blog as "Library News" to the "General Information" page, ulmlibraryreference.blogspot.com
  • Added to Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, which was recently moved from WilsonWeb to EBSCO, to Art and Construction subject DB lists. There will probably be more WilsonWeb items coming.
  • Re-arranged the DBs in the DB lists so that all the EBSCO ones appear under EBSCOhost in a separate sub-list. EBSCO eBooks remains alone because of its importance.
Also, Maren has been managing the official ULM Library Facebook account recently. It can read the reference blog's RSS feed well enough for now, but Facebook might remove support for RSS in the future. But I think there will be other RSS apps we can use. Later I might try to find a place for a link to Facebook on our home page, but not without ULMLWPC approval.

The new Credo reference Literati database is in Beta stage, and  we're one of the sites testing it. Various problems have been reported, but it is more or less functional, on and off campus. The link for it on all of our DB pages refer to the new interface, but the linked Credo reference titles in the Catalog use the old interface because the new instant links to the titles haven't been completed in the new one yet. Credo says it will be done some time soon.