Thursday, May 26, 2011

EZ Proxy update + CollegeSource

Yesterday, Chance E., Chuck H., LOUIS and myself had a telephone conference to discuss the EZ Proxy.

The EZ Proxy has been moved to a different server in the Admin. building, and has been re-named "" because it makes more sense than "" But this also means that all these links need to be changed.

I have already changed all the "michael1" to "ezproxy" on the webpages. The catalog is set up so that the proxy only has to be changed in one place and the links in the catalog will automatically change for the user. Chuck will do that.

The next step is to switch over all the LOUIS DBs next so that they will authetnicate on our new "" instead of on LOUIS' log-in page. This will allow us to edit it and perhaps add branding.
But the appearance of the log-in page will be worked on more after the new EZ Proxy is ready for all the DBs, rather than right now.

I've made a post on the library blog showing what DBs have been affected:
Do let me know if any are missing.

Our subscription to College Source is expired. I have removed it from the library website.

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