1) EZProxy not working
It appears that EZProxy is down. I've placed some links that work on-campus but not off-campus on the DB page, and I've put something about it in the news box so that people are aware of this problem.
2) Hours
The summer hours sheet is complete.
3) Viruses
Well, I got a virus. My first virus in about 6 years. Apparently, you don't have to install junk or go to bad sites to get them anymore. They can be hidden in ads on otherwise completely legit sites. Trend Micro OfficeScan didn't find this, either.
I worked for hours trying to get rid of this, and in the end, I put everything right by restoring an image of the hard drive as it had been at a better time. I didn't lose anything. I used a program called DriveImage XML to do this, and it's free. If you'd like to know how to use this program, let me know and I'll show it to you.
4) WilsonWeb
A new database was added this week... http://ulmlibraryreference.blogspot.com/2010/06/new-database-hw-wilson.html
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