Friday, February 26, 2010

Moving the blog again, perhaps

Google/Blogger will be discontinuing its FTP publication option on the basis that few people use it.

I only tried it as an experiment in the first place, and I agree. If someone needs to run a blog from a specific domain, installing a blog app like Wordpress makes so much more sense.

So, I'll probably move this blog back to its "blogspot" location. I'm not sure what the result will be, though.

Catalog Problem fixed

The IE8 error messages have been solved, after LOUIS moved all of our design elements to their own server. I also fixed a small button color problem in the CSS. Please let me know ASAP if anything goes wrong.

Just to let you know I'm aware of them, there are also 2 things I'd like to fix, except they aren't CSS-related so I can't do anything about them myself. These are:

When you get an error screen from the catalog about a search, the screen that appears has a stray HTML comment tag on it " --> " and our logo disappears. The easiest way to trigger it is to try doing a search without entering anything.

I'd like to make the text in the top banner click-able so that it restarts the search (goes "home", if you will) because many websites behave this way.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Small probelm with OPAC

There's a low-satus problem with the catalog. When you try to enter "my account" in IE, the browser asks about displaying "non-secure" items (you know the kind). However, the obvious thing to do is click "yes," and doing this stops the custom CSS template and images from loading.

It doesn't affect actually using the site in itself, but it is a problem. The error breaks up the browsing experience and makes the page look and feel "broken." Error messages about security suggest unpleasantry, also. But, of course, I am the sort of person who gets too 'excited' over these things. Most internet users are IE users, so that's the browser people experience our web pages with the most. I suppose I can't blame IE or anyone else for the "problem," but it's just one of those things that happens and you can't do anything about it, like a tornado.

It is helpful that not everyone uses the account feature. In fact, I did not know about it until people from LOUIS told me. So things should be all right while we try to get this resolved.