You know all those cards taped to the back of the bastion at the reference desk? It could be possible for us to post the information on the blog (not this one, the other one) and then all of that could be text-searchable (see the top left-hand corner). It could be easier than trying to find the right card hidden in the right place.
I think that would be a great idea. Maybe you could send out an email, since I'm not sure everybody reads the library webpages committee. Maybe it's something we could post on the reference blog?
I also like this idea, provided we make sure that we only post things that should be in the public sphere, so to speak.
Anything to get us away from the cards, which are (a) messy and (b) not very useful when trying to find info quickly.
Of course, we need to be careful, lest we start a "ULM Library Desk Reference" work akin to the NY Public's! :-)
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