Friday, December 18, 2009

New news

Since the Highway 80 exhibit is over, I've removed the link about it from the news box and replaced it with news of the new DBs we have. I've also removed the ad image from rotation on the right.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

New links + Moodle

There are 2 New DBs now added to the DB by name list:

Gale Virtual Reference Library

H.W. Wilson Art Suite

These will be added to the Quick Links and other pages soon. I have not confirmed if the GVRL link works off-campus.

Adding these DBs also shifted the order of the links in the DB by name list. The ever important EBSCOHost link is now in the lower left-hand

The ULM Library has a Moodle page. Its layout will likely be simple. However, I would like to have a set of links at the top and perhaps a picture to "personalize" the page, and then the usual Moodle stuff below it. It is a WIP.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hours update

On Friday I changed the hours to winter hours, and today I added "Have a safe and happy Holiday" to the news box.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Updated hours + news

I've changed the hours on the home page to show finals hours. I have also made a blog post about the broken DB links and placed a notice on the home page.

The DBs in question are working now, so I've removed the emergency links and the post from the news box.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Library Survey is up

The technology survey is up! Please let me know ASAP if something is wrong with it.